One of the dynamic processes I offer deals directly with brain function – and can literally change the brain wave activity levels and overall oxygen levels in the body.
How does this effect depression, you might be wondering?
Judgment plays a big role in depression. As do our thoughts and thought process. This modality provides our brain a time out, so to speak. And with successive sessions, the brain stops needing to create problems. Truth can be recognized and awareness creates different choices, which creates different awareness...
These particular processes involve areas of the brain that act like capacitors – store energy. Helps them to release and dissipate excess energy from the brain and throughout the body.
This method works with many areas of our bodies, and body systems. Energetically, electrically, electromagnetically - everything starts to get unlocked / unblocked.
It also dynamically shifts how our choices have created physical problems. And where our thoughts, feelings, emotions, judgments, beliefs etc have created havoc in our bodies, (and lives).
And what if most of the thoughts, feelings and emotions we are aware of are not really ours? What if we are picking them up from everyone else around us and automatically applying them to our lives? Ever think of something and go, 'huh'? Like, where did that come from? Somehow knowing that it does Not apply, yet not sure what to do with it?
Yeah. That.
When we apply all that crap to our lives it creates dynamics we can't change, because the crap is not, here is a way out of the autopilot system we have that does that.
For every thought, feeling and emotion you are aware of, ask - "is that mine?". Literally. For every one. Make it a habit.
This will allow you to know what really applies to you and what does not.
As we know, what we think and decide creates our reality. If we think we are having a problem, our external reality will create that to match our thoughts. If we’ve decided that we have chronic pain, then, that’s what our body will continue to create too.
Science tells us that thoughts, feelings, emotions etc create what is termed a focal point – a place in a cell that starts to take it out of round, into a place of ellipse. These focal points are the areas that become the invitation to dis-ease, disruption and corruption.
A weakness that invites a myriad of unhealthy possibilities. Having this process, which we will name the bars, done, starts to take the cells back into a healthy, spherical shape. While undoing the effects on our bodies of the thoughts, feelings, emotions etc…And as we also know, self judgment is very powerful. We can literally kill our body from judgment.
When we choose something else based on more information, or from "feeling" better, we can generate life.
Now that can have effects that some folks would term “miraculous”.
Without drugs or electro shock therapy.
As to how all this helps people that are stuck in a loop of depression…this process which we will name the bars, and tri fold sequencing systems, literally breaks the loop that feeds the depression. Once the loop is broken, self doubt and judgment decreases, allowing people to “see” a different possibility.
I Know this works…this was the only thing that really made a long term difference for me when I was struggling with depression after a career ending injury.
But please don’t take my word for it – check it out for your self. Contact me and ask me some questions…
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